Tourism Grants

Tourism grants are a great way to get financial support for events and activities that promote tourism in a community or region. If you are interested in applying for a tourism grant, the first step is to fill out an application. The application will typically ask for information about your organization, the event or activity you are planning, how it will benefit tourism in the area, and a detailed budget.
Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed by the board responsible for awarding the grants. Grants are typically presented at monthly board meetings for approval. It is important to note that not all applications are approved, so it is important to make sure your application is thorough and well-written.


If your application is approved, you will receive the grant funds (in accordance to grant awards) to help support your event or activity. This can be a great way to get the financial assistance you need to make your tourism-related project a success. So if you have an idea for an event or activity that promotes tourism in your community or region, consider applying for a tourism grant today!

Grant Applications

Unless otherwise posted on the PCTDA website, Grant applications /requests are due 25 days prior to the Regular Board meeting. Note: Applications received after an event that has passed are not eligible for consideration/grant award. Note: If you have any questions, please email the PCTDA Executive Director at:; or call: 336-597-2689.

Grant Expenditure Form

Grantees who are awarded tourism grant funds will be required to report the status of their project to PCTDA through the PCTDA Grant Expenditure Form below quarterly until the project is completed or the end of the fiscal year is up. Incomplete grant projects may impact future grant funding.